Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The big pictures...


This is my "say skinny jeans," cheese face.

Me and Jon played a impromptu weirdo open mic show at AJ's cafe in Ferndale on Monday evening as Songs from the moon. When we walked off stage we had played for about a half hour to a crowd of 4-6 people. Maybe 2 people were listening to us [Thanks Julie!]. We decided to dress in white shirts and black ties to be smooth open mic criminals. So the above photo was taken after our set. And the below photo was also taken that evening, but also includes my partner in cafe house crime, Jon B.


All in all, it was fun but a little disappointing that the cafe was so empty. I'm not sure if it's the weather, or maybe just the state of the economy, but I remember in years past open mic nights usually would bring in at least 10 people who weren't performing. Especially on a Monday when not a lot else is going on. Drifters walking by, stopping in to see the folk on stage pouring their heart out for an audience of strangers.

Oh well.

In Matilda news:

The new album is going along alright.
I've taken a little break from actually recording to re-write a few things, and "perfect the beat" if you will, before I put music to tape. I'm basically practicing the songs I have finished. Messing around with melody, writing little piano trills or the like in my head. Finding good harmonies.

I have Thursday off, and I plan on knocking out some drum tracks during the day. I was thinking I'd record multiple songs at the same time, instead of the usual "work on this one song over and over until it's done" mentality. So Thursday I'll do drums and scratch tracks for a couple of new songs and that way I have a base, or a foundation for the songs so when the inspiration hits me for a specific song, I can work on that.


In the spirit of the last minute open mic, I think I'm going to do a few Matilda open mic nights in the near future. If/when this happens, I'll post it here.

Good evening to ya'll.

Good night.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New album in the works... Don't tell nobody.

Howdy Reader.

Me and Matilda and Dotty have been working on new material.

How much new material?

A fair amount.
We recently recorded one instrumental (tentatively titled, "Says Me"), one normal sing-y song-y (tentatively titled, "That's One Big Fucking Bird"), and one ballad which currently has 4 versions (probably going to be called, "It's Not Supposed To Be Like This pt. 1").

The ballad has been recorded four times because I just keep thinking of new ways to do it so I try it that way. Or I record something and get another idea, and record that with the first thing and it just turns into so much audio-crap piled on top of one another that I feel it has lost the feeling.


We're not sure when things are going to be nearing the "done" stages, but the work has been steady.
We're not sure how many songs are going to be recorded before it feels like a done record, but we have about 14 - 18 (depending on how we cut them up) ready to go.
We're not sure what were going to call the new one, but the code name right now is Fishnets and Regrets.
I guess when it comes down to it, we're not exactly sure about a lot of what is going on for this album in progress...
But we do know a few things.

We are sure that we're having a nice time.
We're sure we're trying to make a good record this time.
We're sure that there is a possibility some of you will like it, or at least like us enough to listen to a few minutes of it, tell us you listened to the whole thing, tell us, "Yeah, it's good. I like it," even when you didn't really like it and it didn't hold your interest.

The good news is, I've decided to preview version 2 of 4 (or as I like to call it, 1.1 because it's the same song) of the ballad mentioned above.

  It's Not Supposed To Be Like This pt 1.1 [work in progress] by Mathilda

Hope it hits your ears at a good angle.

We love you...

For realz.

--The man and women of Matilda

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do you want more fucking photos?

Do you?
Do you want more fucking photos???

And by "fucking photos" I don't mean the ones you see on the internet while looking for masturbation help, or the ones covered by cardboard at the local liquor store. I just mean "Matilda related photos", but I wanted to be a bit crass and brash.

Well, if you do, I made a Matilda Photobucket.


If you want more actual "fucking photos" -- like the XXX kind, I can't help you there... Well, I could, but I don't know if Julie would be too happy about it. But, Google works wonders. Just type in any sick, weird, perverted thing you can think of and turn off safe search and Google Image that shit.